Monday, March 31, 2014

History's Anonymous Woman

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."
--Virginia Woolf--

Who is History's Anonymous Woman?  To me, she is each and every woman, both past and present, who has worked towards the common good of mankind.  Wether that be in raising for her children, making meals, educating youth, advancing science, starting a company, or caring for those in need.  Woman are influential in so many facets of society and often their contributions have been overlooked.  Through this blog, I will share my life experiences through the lens of a mid-twenty-year-old woman trying to do life in an real, honest, and meaningful way.  I do not know what direction this blog will head, but as one of history's current 'anonymous women,' I seek to give an accurate portrayal of my experiences, interpretations, and reactions to life and those around me.